Stockwell has been involved from the very beginning with the development of the city of Sioux Falls’ namesake park, “Falls Park”. Located along the Sioux River in the heart of Sioux Falls’ downtown, much of the park sits on top of former industrial use sites, an abandoned landfill, brownfield, and railroad switching yard. Development of this area has reclaimed a once undesirable site for public use and created new recreational opportunities for parks visitors and the community’s ever expanding downtown residents.
Stockwell Engineers has spearheaded development of this site through planning and design of new programming intended to activate this space for public use. Due to the historic uses of the site and its close proximity to the Sioux River, it was imperative that development of this site be done with sensitivity to the surrounding natural features while assuring on-going safety to future visitors to the area. Realizing the sensitivity required, Stockwell Engineers has utilized innovative design techniques and alternative construction methods required for successful development of this area.