Project Notes

Grand Forks Air Force Base Control

Grand Forks, ND

The US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, commissioned Stockwell Engineers to conduct a  Control Survey for the Grand Forks AFB, located near Grand Forks, North Dakota.  Stockwell provided all information required for background checks to meet installation/facility access  requirements to the military base for all personnel that would be on site.

Stockwell installed four (4) third order control point survey monuments along with 12 steel concrete  filled bollards to protect the new monuments.  Coordination with base personnel, utility locates,  and concrete trucks was coordinated on site by the project manager.  A 12 hour static session was conducted on the four (4) newly installed control points.

Static surveys were then conducted to update the main control base station with a 24-hour Static  Session in coordination with CORS station data.  Once the base station location was developed A 12  hour static session was conducted on the four (4) newly installed control points. Once all static surveys  were completed RTK observations were taken on the 19 existing control stations and the four newly  constructed monuments with multiple GPS-RTK control observation. Digital level loops were  conducted for the elevations.  After six months and frost had left the ground a second survey was  conducted on the four new control stations to verify or update their positions. All the data was  assembled in a Final Survey Report with data provided in NAD 1983 State Plane North Dakota North FIPS 3301 (US Survey Feet) and NAVD 88.

Upon completion of the static survey for the newly drained positions Stockwell Engineers tied in the  nineteen (19) existing control points utilizing GNSS-RTK methods to to derive the horizontal positions.  


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